How to Get Rid of the Lump Under Your Jaw Bone

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Did a lump randomly appear right below your jaw bone? This can mean a number of things. The lump could have appeared due to things such as the swelling of the lymph node or in the very worst case scenario, due to the development of a tumor. It is extremely important that you have the lump checked as soon as possible by a doctor and have the condition diagnosed. In this article, we review some of the main symptoms associated with the lump condition and ways you can have it treated at home. These home remedies won’t get rid of the lump altogether. Rather, they will become useful complements to the medications you have been prescribed.

Causes of lumps under jaw bone

As I mentioned before, one of the most common causes of lumps that form around your jaw bone is the lymph node infection. The lymph nodes are located in several parts of your body. However for this condition, the lymph nodes we are concerned about are the ones located around your lower jaw. When the lymph nodes get infected, swelling starts to occur. The level of pain depends on how severe the infection is. For some people, pain may only occur when they touch the lump. For others, pain may occur throughout the whole day. Other symptoms associated with swollen lymph nodes could include fever, greater production of body sweat (especially at night), and toothaches. So how does a doctor determine whether I am affected by swollen lymph nodes or other medical conditions? First, the doctor will feel the lump and this will give him/her a general idea of what you are affected by. If that isn’t enough, you may have to take a CT scan to ensure you aren’t affected by severe conditions such as tumors. To treat swollen lymph nodes, the doctor will give you the appropriate medications that will fight the bacterial infection. While you are recovering, you may also want to take some of the following precautions so you recover much more quickly.

Home remedies for lumps under jaw bone

As I said before, don’t rely on just these home remedies to get rid of the lumps. By using these home remedies, you are essentially giving your body the best environment to recover in. The first tip is to eat natural foods that contain antibacterial properties. For example, ginger is known to have substances that fight bacterial infections within the mouth region. Another natural food to go for is the pineapple. This fruit contains a substance called bromelain which helps your body kill bad microorganisms. On top of having a healthy diet, you should also make the appropriate lifestyle changes. For example, smoking should definitely be prohibited while you are recovering. It would be all the better for your long-term health if you can quit smoking altogether. Basically, stop taking part in any activity that will only result in bad effects for your body.

Lymph node infections can take a number of weeks to heal so make sure you see the doctor on a weekly basis to have your progress examined. You also want to make sure you aren’t introducing any more bacteria into your blood stream by maintaining a clean dental habit throughout the day.