3 Reasons Why You Are Spitting Blood After Brushing Your Teeth

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Are you scared because you are spitting blood whenever you brush your teeth? There are many reasons why this can occur. However, most of the blood spitting problems arise as a result of three general causes. In this article, we have a look at the three main reasons as to why you are spitting blood after brushing your teeth. Unless it is caused by something that happens extremely rarely, you can have the blood problem easily treated in a matter of days or weeks.

#1 Gum disease

Gum disease like gingivitis and periodontal disease tend to be the main reason why you spit out blood after you brush your teeth.

The primary cause of gum disease is bacterial infection. If you haven’t been maintaining your teeth well for the past few days / weeks, then that is probably the reason why you are spitting out blood every now and then.

When your gums get infected, it first starts to swell. This is evident when you start to feel some level of discomfort whenever you eat, drink, or even talk. If the condition is pretty severe, the gums will start to recline from the teeth.

Hence, blood will start to become present in your saliva because your teeth become much more exposed. A dentist or doctor will give you the appropriate medications to get rid of gum disease but you won’t be able to get rid of the problem altogether unless you start to follow a good dental routine.

#2 Tooth abscess

Tooth abscess also leads to blood whenever you brush your teeth. When a tooth starts to decay, substances such as tartar and plaque start to form on the teeth surface.

This erodes the teeth even further and it will eventually reach the point when the inner part of your teeth will become exposed to the open environment. As soon as this happens, you will notice more and more blood appearing in your saliva as your teeth becomes more sensitive to abrasive action of the toothbrush.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to recover a decayed tooth. You’ll either have to have the dentist clean the cavities then have the holes filled, or in the worst case scenario, you’ll need to have the tooth extracted from the socket.

#3 Mouth ulcers

There is a small possibility that mouth ulcers are causing blood to appear after you brush your teeth. For example, if you irritate the surface of a mouth ulcer while brushing your teeth, this can lead to open wounds and make you spit out blood. Unless you are affected by a severe case, mouth ulcers can be easily treated by rinsing your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash. It can take anywhere between a few days and a few weeks for mouth ulcers to heal.

As you can see, all three of these situations can be avoided by just following good dental hygiene every day. It is extremely important that you brush, floss, and rinse your mouth at least twice a day. Once you have that nailed down, you won’t suffer from any major dental conditions in the future.